Application has been submitted
Once an application is submitted to the Township, staff will determine if it is “complete” based on the criteria set out under Schedule 1 of Ontario Regulation 545/06. Pre-consultation with staff is strongly recommended prior to the submission of an application.
Notice of your application will be sent to all landowners within 120m of the subject property as well as to other stakeholders, as required. The Ontario Planning Act requires that notice be provided 20 days prior to the holding of a public meeting. During this 20 day notice period, staff will review the application, conduct a site inspection/visit, consult with the applicant and interested stakeholders, and write a report with a recommendation to council.
Public Meeting
At the public meeting, staff will present the application and staff report to the Committee. The applicant has the opportunity, during the meeting, to address the Committee and answer any questions that may arise. Other individuals or agencies in attendance will be permitted to voice their support or objection to the application.
After the Public Meeting
If the recommendation is to approve the Zoning By-Law Amendment, the necessary by-law will be considered at a subsequent Council Meeting. Council will then adopt a By-Law approving the necessary Zoning Amendment for the specific parcel of land.
If Council approves the proposed amendment and passes a by-law, the by-law will be circulated to give interested parties the chance to appeal. If no appeals are received during the 20-day appeal period, the amendment is in full force and effect.
Appeal Provisions
The process for dealing with zoning amendments is the same as for a zoning by-law. If local council refuses your zoning amendment application, or if it does not make a decision within 180 days of the receipt of your application containing the prescribed information, you may appeal to the Local Appeals Planning Tribunal (LPAT).