The process to develop a Community Plan for Safety and Well-being for Lanark County and Smiths Falls began in late 2016. A Steering Committee with representation from the justice, community/youth, health care, social services/housing, victim services, education, Indigenous and local government sectors was established, and consultations and research began. To read more download the plan.
Download/view the 2025-2029 Community Plan for Safety and Well-Being
Download/view the 2025 Development Charges Pamphlet
Download/view the 2024 Development Charges Background Study - Notice of Passing
Download/view the 2024 Addendum to Development Charges Background Study
Download/view the 2024 Development Charges Background Study
Download/view the 2024 Annual Development Charges Statement
Download/view the 2023 Annual Development Charges Statement
Download/view the 2022 Annual Development Charges Statement
Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan
Ontario Regulation 397/11 was created under the Green Energy Act, 2009 and is being phased in over a number of years.
Phase One
- The first phase required that Ontario public sector organizations complete a summary template that details the energy consumption, size, age and usage plans of each building they own.
- The Township submitted the first report in July 2013, as required. The report must be updated yearly thereafter.“A public agency shall prepare, publish, make available to the public and implement energy conservation and demand plans or joint plans in accordance with sections 6 and 7 of the Act and with this Regulation.
An energy conservation and demand management plan is composed of two parts as follows:
Phase Two
- A summary of the public agency’s annual energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for its operations.
- A description of previous, current and proposed measures for conserving and otherwise reducing the amount of energy consumed by the public agency’s operations and for managing the public agency’s demand for energy, including a forecast of the expected results of current and proposed measures.”The plan provides a framework to incorporate various initiatives identified in the plan in future operating and capital budgets.
2011 Baseline
Ontario Regulation 397/11 also requires “confirmation that the energy conservation and demand management plan has been approved by the public agency’s senior management.”
The Township owns and operates more than 4 buildings, 2 buildings are reported twice, as a public works garage and as a municipal office and community hall. For the purposes of this regulation, the DNE/TV Fire Hall located in the Town of Perth is included in this report. Under the provisions of Regulation 397/11, 422 of these require energy and emission monitoring and reporting. In 2011, the Township produced 108,394.93242 KG of GHG emissions.
Recreation Master Plan
Township of Drummond/North Elmsley, Tay Valley Township, and the Town of Perth - Joint Recreation Master Plan
The Township of Drummond/North Elmsley, Tay Valley Township, and the Town of Perth prepared a joint Recreation Master Plan to guide the municipalities’ direction in planning recreational facilities and services. The Recreation Master Plan (RMP) is a flexible blueprint to guide planning and decision making for parks, recreation, and cultural assets over the next ten years (to 2030). This Plan is intended to help the four area municipalities manage the development of parks and trails, recreation and cultural facilities and services, and programming and events. It will help to ensure that planning for parks, recreation, and culture improvements in the municipalities prioritizes investment in essential infrastructure and programming that contributes to the health and well-being of residents and visitors.
Download the Rrecreation Maste Plan
Resolution No. 159-19
December 17, 2019
WHEREAS the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley recognizes and values the role of natural vegetation and tree canopy in the overall health of our natural environment;
AND WHEREAS Section 270 (1) 7 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a Township shall adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the manner in which the Township will protect and enhance the tree canopy and natural vegetation in the Township.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley adopts the policy of a public education program aimed at increasing awareness of the benefits of preservation and the best practices to manage tree canopies and natural vegetation.
Download Tree Canopy Background Information