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Environmental Initiatives Committee
Terms of Reference
MANDATE: The mandate of the Environmental Initiatives Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to Council for the purpose of establishing a Wild Parsnip Management Policy. To fulfil its mandate, it is anticipated that the Committee will:
- Investigate and identify methods to control wild parsnip based on infestation levels.
- Develop an outline for a wild parsnip management policy for adoption by Council, including:
- the resources required to implement the policy
- timelines for reviewing progress made in managing wild parsnip and the potential changes to the management plan when infestation levels are reduced or increased.
The Committee is advisory in nature and established by Council in accordance with the adopted Terms of Reference.
Actions of the Committee that require Council approval include the use of Township funds, the use of staff resources other than those outlined in the Terms of Reference and the use of Township equipment or other resources.
The Environmental Initiatives Committee will communicate its findings and recommendations to Committee of the Whole. Attendance and agenda topics will be coordinated through the Clerk or designate.
The Environmental Initiatives Committee will comprise of one Councillor and 3-4 members of the public representing a broad spectrum of the community and one staff representative from the Public Works Department to be appointed by resolution. The Council representative will act as Chair to the Committee and the Public Works Coordinator (or designate) shall act as a resource person and recording secretary to the Committee.
The Committee shall meet as required, at the call of the Chair or Public Works Coordinator (or designate). Agendas will be posted on the Township website one week prior to the meeting. The Public Works Coordinator will serve as the Recording Secretary. Meeting Minutes will be action-only and will record those members in attendance and any topics discussed. A quorum of members (majority) will be required for a meeting to take place. All meetings will be open to the public. Meetings will generally take place at the Municipal Office during normal working hours.
The term of appointment shall terminate once the mandate is complete, and Council has adopted the Wild Parsnip Management Policy.
Download the Environmental Initiatives Committee Terms of Reference