Here are the highlights from the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley Council meeting held Thursday, February 24, 2022. This meeting replaced the regularly scheduled meeting of February 22, 2022 that was cancelled due to inclement weather.
Septic Inspections
On December 6, 2021, the Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit notified that municipalities that it would no longer be doing septic inspections as of October 1, 2022. Council agreed to create a position in the Building Department that will take over septic inspections. The position will be funded from the septic revenues.
Asset Management Plan
Asset Management Ontario was awarded the contract to undertake a new Asset Management Plan that will guide the Township’s assets over the next ten years.
Council accepted with regrets, Cathie Green, Public Works Assistant notice of retirement effective May 6, 2022. Cathie has worked with the Township for seven years and will be greatly missed. She was instrumental in bringing recycling and waste management to the forefront for the municipality. She was a great resource for the Township and local municipalities as they maneuvered the always changing waste management environment. Her contributions to improving waste collection on private roads and her efforts in establishing the reuse centre will be part of her legacy.
Modernization Grants – Intake 3
The Township is entering into funding agreements with the Province for two provincial grants under the Modernization Program Intake 3 to complete a long range financial plan and undertake a Public Works Departmental Review to find efficiencies.
Joint Compliance Audit Committee for Municipal Elections
The Township will partner with Lanark County municipalities to create a Joint Compliance Audit Committee that will deal with complaints regarding election campaign financing for the 2022 Municipal Elections in October.
Upcoming Meetings
• Council Meeting: March 8, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
• Committee of the Whole: March 8, 2022 following the Council meeting
• Official Plan Review Public Meeting April 12, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.