Council Highlights April 26

Monday, 02 May 2022 11:56

Here are the highlights from the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley Council meeting held Tuesday, April 26, 2022.

Code Road Landfill Annual Report
Council received the annual report for the Code Road Landfill. The consultant reported that combined remaining life for Phase 1 and Phase 2 is estimated to be 37-39 years

Contracts Awarded
• The gravel contract was awarded to two bidders: Area 1 was awarded to Cavanagh Construction Ltd. in the amount of $14.82/tonne plus taxes, and Area 2 was awarded to Campbell’s Trucking Ltd. in the amount of $15.25/tonne plus taxes.
• The calcium contract was awarded to Da-Lee Dust Control Ltd. in the amount of $102,240.
• The Public Works Departmental Review RFP was awarded to MNP LLB in the amount of $65,000, excluding HST. The review will be 100% funded from a grant the Township received from the Province under the Modernization Intake 3 funding program.

Fergusons Falls Community Hall
Ron and Marg Dickinson were appointed to the Ferguson’s Falls Community Hall Redevelopment Committee. Council approved an expedited procurement process for the renovation of Ferguson’s Fall Hall in order to meet grant timelines.

New Bylaws
Council approved an amendment to the Procedural By-law that will change the date of the inaugural meeting of each new term of Council. The Township’s Bylaw states that “the inaugural meeting of Council after a regular election shall be held on the first business day in December. However, Lanark County has recently advised its lower-tier municipalities that the proposed date for its inaugural meeting of County Council is November 30, 2022. The Township’s By-law was changed to the following: “The inaugural meeting shall be held at the earliest opportunity at the beginning of the term of Council, on a date and time to be scheduled by the Clerk in consultation with the incoming Reeve.” Council passed a bylaw to prohibit the use of corporate resources by any member of council, other candidates and staff for election purposes. This policy also ensures that the Township’s operations, events, and facilities are used for non-partisan purposes and are not used for election campaign related purposes.

Septic Inspections
Last year, the Leeds Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit notified the Township that it would no longer be doing septic inspections as of October 1, 2022. Council approved the creation of a new position in the Building Department to undertake septic responsibilities and inspections. It is expected that the position will be funded from the septic permit fees.

Upcoming Meetings
• Council Meeting: May 10, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.
• Committee of the Whole: May 10, 2022 following the Council meeting