Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority - Flood Outlook Statement

Friday, 14 March 2025 11:45


A Flood Outlook Statement is considered early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high wind or other conditions that could lead to high runoff, cause ice jams, lakeshore flooding or erosion.

Weather Forecast: Warmer temperatures and rainfall are expected over the weekend. Temperatures are expected to start rising on Friday, March 14th and last until Sunday, March 16th, with daily highs reaching 12 – 18°C. Widespread precipitation is also expected during this period, with forecasts estimating 10 – 20 mm of rainfall on Sunday, March 16th.
Watershed Conditions: Snowmelt due to warmer temperatures, combined with anticipated rainfall may result in increased water levels and flows in water bodies. The degree of increase will depend on actual precipitation and temperatures. Unstable ice conditions may also be present, which can lead to ice jams.

Risks: Localized flooding is possible in smaller watercourses such as the Carp and Indian Rivers, along with low lying areas, creeks and ditches as a significant increase in flows over the weekend is expected.
Flows along the larger rivers such as the Clyde, Fall and Mississippi Rivers may experience higher water levels, fast flowing water that will weaken ice cover and lead to slippery or unstable banks. Additionally, these conditions elevate the risk for ice buildup. Significant flooding is not expected.

Actions: Residents are reminded to stay off of all water bodies due to high flows and slippery conditions. Parents are encouraged to remind children about these dangers and provide appropriate supervision.
Residents in flood prone areas are advised to maintain close watch on water levels and flows and take the necessary precautions to protect their property by:

• Ensuring sump pumps are clear, in good working condition and have a backwater valve.
• Having a portable generator and backup pump available.
• Ensuring downspouts are clear and the outlet is at least 3 meters from any structure.
• Removing or securing items that might float away if flows increase.
• Keeping emergency phone numbers handy.
• Familiarizing yourself with your municipality’s emergency preparedness plan.

Duration: This message is in effect until 12:00 pm March 17, 2025 or until an update has been issued.