
Drummond/North Elmsley Tay Valley Fire Rescue is moving to a partial fire ban for Drummond/North Elmsley Township and Tay Valley Township. Residents are now permitted to have small, supervised campfires and burn in burn barrels.  Please continue to be cautious when burning as there are some areas in both Townships…
MEDIA RELEASE: Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit The ticks are out!  When temperatures rise above 4oC ticks will be active. Enjoy the benefits of being outdoors by going for a hike, working in the garden or cleaning up leaf litter in the yard; but remember to be tick…
Media Release Health Unit warns of increase in COVID-19 in Areas Close to Ottawa The Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit has detected a significant increase in cases of COVID-19 in the past week in Lanark East and United Counties of Leeds and Grenville East - areas close to…

Community Building Fund

Tuesday, 06 April 2021
The Community Building Fund – Operating stream provides support for non-profits and Indigenous communities in the community arts and culture, heritage, tourism, sport and recreation sectors to help sustain their operations and create new attractions, experiences and events. The fund will enable organizations to remain viable so they can continue…
Fire Ban Notice - No Open Burning effection April 5, 2021 Fire Ban Update: Starting Monday April 5th, 2021 there will be a complete fire ban in effect for the Townships of Drummond/North Elmsley and Tay Valley, as well as Lanark County. No open burning of any kind is permitted…
Notice of Public Meeting ConcerningProposed Road Closing of Unopened Road AllowanceBetween Lots 20 & 21, Concession 2 Drummond TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Drummond/North Elmsley will hold a public meeting at 5:00 p.m. on April 27, 2021, to consider a request to stop…
The Province of Ontario has moved our area into the Red Zone of the COVID-19 response framework: keeping Ontario safe and open | Meeting and Event Spaces The following changes are required based on O. Reg. 263/20: RULES FOR AREAS IN STAGE 2 ( Capacity limit for the venue,…

Worker Impact Survey

Saturday, 20 March 2021
Today, the Labour Market Group of Renfrew and Lanark launched the Worker Impact Survey in Renfrew County and Lanark County, in conjunction with five other local workforce planning boards in Eastern Ontario. The survey, open from March 15th to April 30th, allows individuals to share information about their employment challenges…
Notice from Lanark County:  OVRT temporary closed to motorized vehicles As a result, effective immediately (Tuesday, March 16, 2021), the OVRT is closed to motorized vehicles until early April to allow for the trail to dry out. Your patience is appreciated. Spring Closure Notice can be found here: In…
COVID-19 Regional Relief and Recovery Fund Valley Heartland is accepting applications for business loans with 0% interest and no principal payments until December 2022.  Please click on the following link for additional information including program quide and applications:
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